Hartpury Church of England Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BJ

01452 700446

Hartpury C of E Primary School

Shine From the Inside Out


At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we aim to develop children who are motivated and equipped to be courageous advocates for our world, throughout their lives. We seek to develop each child’s understanding, respect, appreciation and responsibility for the world around us, so they can make a difference both now and in the future. The Global Sustainable Development Goals are central to our ethos and our Christian Values underpin all aspects of our community as we strive for the children to develop a broad understanding and enjoyment of the world that enables them to be outward looking, resilient and effective citizens of the future.  

Statement of Curriculum Intent

At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we believe that English is a vital part of their learning. It is our intention to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills that are needed in order to read fluently, to understand what they have read with confidence, to communicate orally with others and to generate and communicate their ideas through their writing.  

At Hartpury we want the children to read with enthusiasm to develop a love of reading and to use what they have read to inspire thoughtful and conscientious sentences in their own writing – both fiction and non-fiction. We want children to write with an author’s eye and to make links across their reading and writing to make their work in all areas the best it can be.  We want children to develop their own flair in writing as well as being confident and secure to apply the grammar and punctuation that has been taught so far.  

The staff at Hartpury strive to teach a comprehensive and creative curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and gives children the skills they need to be independent readers and writers.  


Statement of Curriculum Implementation

The children have regular daily English lessons. Each lesson forms part of a unit which is planned with an intended purpose of writing and is often linked to appropriate books as inspiration or additional information for their learning. Purposes of writing are a primary focus each half term with other smaller writing tasks included to embed and allow for application of taught grammar, spelling and punctuation. Writing at Hartpury is taught using The Write Stuff approach which uses FANTASTICs (ideas for writing sentences), GRAMMARISTICs (tools for writing sentences) and BOOMTASTICs (techniques for writing sentences). We also use Literacy Tree units alongside Jane Considine planning, to ensure a range of genres and purposes for writing are covered. There is also a progression of grammar and punctuation that is to be taught over each year with reoccurring elements to revisit across the school to reinforce and ensure children are secure at applying in their own writing.  


Daily English lessons are complemented in EYFS and Year 1 with daily Phonics sessions whilst Years 2 to 6 follow the Spelling Shed scheme. This approach removes a child’s reliance to memorise a word list at home but instead focuses on children continuing a strong understanding of Phonics and developing children’s spelling brains to notice patterns and make connections with the words they are using regularly.  


For reading, children have books they take home to read which start with fully decodable books in EYFS and KS1 to support early reading and promote fluency and confidence with reading. Once a child has become a fluent reader, they move onto Accelerated reader for books best matched to their reading ability with a range of genres and interests to further promote their reading for pleasure. In school, each class discretely teaches reading in a mixture of guided and/or whole class approaches depending on age to support reading fluency and comprehension skills. To further encourage children’s love of reading, they have regular opportunities to read in school independently, with an adult and with their peers, as well as each teacher reading a class book daily to the children for their enjoyment of the world the book creates.  


At Hartpury, we have invested in high quality resources to teach the children. These include: Literacy Tree, Jane Considine’s The Write Stuff to support high-quality writing and to support the use of authors’ sentences; SPP Programme Unlocking Letters and Sounds (ULS) and Spelling Shed to support the teaching of high-quality Phonics and Spelling; ULS Decodable Phonics Books and Accelerated Reader to support children’s reading.


Statement of Curriculum Impact

All writing and reading is tracked regularly by staff using Insight Tracking which is an online tool that allows staff to monitor the teaching and learning of objectives. This is used to aid further planning and to support groups in addressing misconceptions as well as greater depth children.  


Three times a year, children from Y2- Y6 complete assessment tests in Reading. Y1 children begin this in summer term. These are then compared to teacher assessments on Insight and the progress of each pupil is carefully considered in a meeting between the head teacher and class teacher. Plans are then put in place to ensure every child can reach their full potential. These tests also enable teachers to identify whole class areas for improvement. The assessments currently used are: NFER Reading assessments and Accelerated Reading STAR assessments. Children in Y6 do not complete an NFER reading assessment in the Spring, due to statutory assessments taking place.  


Writing (including elements of SPAG) is assessed more regularly on a half termly basis, through independent writing linked to the term’s focus in English, following Literacy Tree and Jane Considine’s The Write Stuff Approach.


Spelling is tracked throughout the year using Spelling Shed, including a baseline and end of year assessment. Phonics is also tracked regularly with daily interventions for identified children who haven’t met the objective within a Phonics session. The English Subject Leader also monitors assessment in these areas on a half termly basis.  

Data from 2023/24: 


Y1 Phonic Screening Check –  94%


End of KS1 Reading- 80%


 End of KS2: Reading – 75%