Hartpury Church of England Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BJ

01452 700446

Hartpury C of E Primary School

Shine From the Inside Out

The School Opening times


Breakfast Club 

Parents can book their children into Breakfast club via  our Teachers2Parents site.

Breakfast club is led by Mrs Jen Golledge and opens at 7:55am. Children are provided a healthy snack of fruit, raisins, breadsticks  or toast. Games and activities are provided and children are taken by an adult to their classes at the 8:40am


The School Day

Gates open at 8:40am and children are welcomed onto the school site by a member of staff. Internal gates are closed at 8:45am after this time children need to access the school building via reception. 

Registers close at 9am and children arriving after this time will be registered as late. 

The school day ends at 3:15pm. 


After- School Provision

Our after-school provision is delivered through Progressive Sports. Progressive sports offer a range of sporting activities as well as a choice of snack. Places for after school care need to be booked directly with Progressive Sports. After school provision is offered until 5:30pm