Spiritual Development
Our Vision
Shine from the inside out.
We embrace Christian values and ensure all children are ready for their next steps. At Hartpury CE Primary School we hold the Christian belief that human beings are created in the image of God, and that each shares in God’s purposes to bring life and allow creation to flourish. This underpins the values and work of the school and is endorsed in our vision to shine from the inside out.
To develop in each child:
- A sense of self-worth stemming from the recognition that they are created in the image of God.
- A sense of being in relationship with others and a growing understanding of what it means to belong to a community.
- An involvement with others in the wider world and an appreciation of difference and diversity.
- A response to the distinctive ethos of a Church school and the content, language and symbolism of the Christian faith as a way of understanding our meaning and purpose in life.
- A willingness to explore Christian beliefs and values through a knowledge of Bible stories and Christian teaching in order that these might become a firm foundation for life.
- The ability to reflect upon experiences of awe, compassion, beauty etc
- The ability to realize that experiences of disappointment, failure and loss can be occasions for spiritual growth and development
- A capacity to value the natural world and a commitment to care for creation
- A willingness to explore the ultimate questions and mysteries of life.
- In our school we seek to find ways in which all areas of the curriculum can contribute to children’s spiritual development and to highlight opportunities for these in our planning.
- We seek to foster spiritual capacities, eg. imagination, insight and empathy.
- We allow children the opportunity to explore and express feelings and emotions.
- We provide opportunities for prayer including silence and stillness.
- We share feelings and experiences that foster hope and joy, reassurance and encouragement.
- We encourage children to develop relationships based on the Christian values of love, forgiveness and service to others.
- We enable children to make the links between biblical values the life of the school and the wider community.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Opportunities offered to children for Spiritual Development will be monitored and evaluated in the following ways:
- Monitoring of lesson plans and teaching and learning by co-ordinator/senior leadership/headteacher/local advisors.
- Audit of policies and schemes of work.
- Regular discussion at staff and local advisor meetings.
- Sharing of classroom work and practice.
- Evidence from pupils’ work, eg reflective diary
- Regular inclusion in Academy Development Plan.