Hartpury Church of England Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BJ

01452 700446

Hartpury C of E Primary School

Shine From the Inside Out


At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we aim to develop children who are motivated and equipped to be courageous advocates for our world, throughout their lives. We seek to develop each child’s understanding, respect, appreciation and responsibility for the world around us, so they can make a difference both now and in the future. The Global Goals for Sustainability are central to our ethos and our Christian Values underpin all aspects of our community as we strive for the children to develop a broad understanding and enjoyment of the world that enables them to be outward looking, resilient and effective citizens of the future.

Statement of Curriculum Intent

At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we aim to ensure that all pupils flourish and develop a good awareness of the world around them.  We aim to ensure that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through following the National Curriculum for Music. This ensures they develop the skills of listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing. Participating in and listening to music has a very important part to play in enabling children to express themselves and develop their emotions and mental well-being. Music also has much to offer in terms of cultural capital as children listen to and take part in music from around the world and across the ages. This will help them to understand, respect and appreciate the diversity in our world.

Statement of Curriculum Implementation

We implement Music at Hartpury C of E Primary School in the following ways:

  • Regular music lessons following our agreed Scheme of Work, Charanga Musical School, ensuring that children cover all aspects of the National Curriculum. These is delivered in a weekly session. This scheme has been chosen because it provides children with a high quality music education and exposes children to a wide range of music, crossing cultures and times. It is endorsed and partly funded by Gloucestershire Music.
  • Children are taught in mixed age classes of two-year groups. With a two year rolling programme (except for Reception who follow a one-year plan).
  • A class se to of glockenspiels and a wide range of untuned percussion instruments are used to ensure all children experience playing and composing.
  • Whole-class instrumental lessons are provided for KS2 classes on a rota bases. This usually takes the form of a 10 week course, once a year for each class.
  • Singing is encouraged across the curriculum and is a regular feature of worship
  • A wide range of peripatetic music lessons are on offer throughout the school.
  • Extra-curricular activities such as the school choir, recorder lessons, concerts and performances are provided.

Statement of Curriculum Impact

Whilst at Hartpury, children have opportunities to forge their own musical journey as a listener, composer and performer, which allows them to develop and improve on a wide range of musical skills. Through music, children develop a wide understanding and appreciation of history and culture from across the world.  They also develop many wider skills, such as teamwork, self-confidence, self-reflection and a sense of achievement. They are able to take all of this learning forwards into their future life.

Children’s ongoing progress is monitored carefully by teachers using teacher assessment on Insight Tracking Programme. This provides a very clear picture of each child’s strengths and weaknesses.

A programme of monitoring is in place to inform senior and subject leaders of consistency and progression in learning. This includes:

  • Professional discussion
  • Work scrutiny
  • Pupil conferencing
  • Lesson visits.