Hartpury Church of England Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BJ

01452 700446

Hartpury C of E Primary School

Shine From the Inside Out


At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we aim to develop children who are motivated and equipped to be courageous advocates for our world, throughout their lives. We seek to develop each child’s understanding, respect, appreciation and responsibility for the world around us, so they can make a difference both now and in the future. The Global Sustainable Development Goals are central to our ethos and our Christian Values underpin all aspects of our community as we strive for the children to develop a broad understanding and enjoyment of the world that enables them to be outward looking, resilient and effective citizens of the future.  

Statement of Curriculum Intent

At Hartpury C of E Primary School, we seek to promote the value and huge significance of Science in our daily lives. Following the National Curriculum program of study, we aim to instil a love of the subject but, furthermore, an understanding of the importance of looking after and respecting the natural world around us. By igniting a sense of wonder and discovery, we aim to develop critical analytical and thinking skills, sparking the natural curiosity of every child.  We aim to not only develop an excellent knowledge base across a range of scientific themes, but to provide an excellent grounding in a skills-based approach to scientific enquiry. Incorporated into this, are regular opportunities to conduct STEM challenges to advance critical thinking and develop the ability to analyse, evaluate and adapt. Our science teaching offers opportunities for children to:

  • develop scientific knowledge and understanding which incorporates aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of scientific enquiry that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • consider the significance of Science on a personal, local and global level
  • use a range of methods to communicate scientific information and present it in a systematic, scientific manner, including ICT, diagrams, graphs and charts
  • to become confident with using a range of scientific equipment safely and effectively


Statement of Curriculum Implementation

As a core subject, teaching and learning in Science is prioritised accordingly and high expectations are upheld at all times. Science will be taught for at least one hour each week and linked to class topics and outdoor education where appropriate but not to the detriment of the subject. It is taught discreetly, as necessary, and children are always made aware of when they are studying science. Plenty of opportunities are provided for children to ask their own questions and to use scientific reasoning and exploration to find their own answers to these questions. Continuous provision is provided as necessary to support development. Teachers create engaging lessons, and this is further complemented by visitors and off-site excursions to provide experiences which are not always easy to replicate in the classroom. Pupil progress is assessed and tracked using Insight on a half-termly basis; this provides a useful overview of any gaps in a child’s knowledge or understanding and identifies next steps. It also clearly shows progression between year groups, particularly when specific topics are revisited. At Hartpury, there is a strong emphasis on Scientific enquiry; this is embedded into lessons, and taught discreetly as necessary, to ensure a balance between knowledge and skills. New vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching and pre-teaching as appropriate. STEM workshops are used to incite enthusiasm in the subject and develop core-thinking skills. Our outdoor area/ forest school area/ polytunnel and flower beds are used regularly to complement the science curriculum and to develop a respect and affinity towards nature and to foster pupils’ wellbeing.


Statement of Curriculum Impact

Science is regarded as an exciting and challenging subject by the pupils at Hartpury. Engagement with the local environment, ensures that children learn to experience and respect the world around them first-hand. So much of Science lends itself to outdoor learning and so we provide children with multiple opportunities to experience this. Through various workshops, trips and interactions with experts and STEM challenges, children will leave us recognising the impact which Science has on our lives and will recognise its significance in the world’s future prosperity and sustainability. The process of asking questions, investigating, evaluating and drawing conclusions, nurtures one of our core values, resilience, providing children with the confidence to challenge misconceptions and to learn through making mistakes.