Hartpury Church of England Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BJ

01452 700446

Hartpury C of E Primary School

Shine From the Inside Out


As from April 1st 1989, under the 1988 Education Act, all schools are required to have a policy on charging. Education during normal school hours is free of any charge to parents and carers. However there are educationally valuable activities that are dependant on financial contributions from parents that otherwise the school would find quite impossible to provide. The Education Act permits charges to be made to parents and carers for certain defined activities, and that in some circumstances these charges can be reduced or waived for some pupils.

The local advisors of Hartpury Primary School have decided that until further notice, it’s charging policy will be:

  1. Voluntary contributions will be invited for day visits in school time (such as swimming, museum visit, etc). For visits outside school time parents will be charged all allowable costs. If a payment of these contributions will result in severe financial difficulties for a family the Head Teacher and chair of the local advisory board may reduce or waive these charges. However, the school has only limited resources and it may be the case that a visit will not go ahead if there are insufficient voluntary contributions for it to be financed. The school will subsidise any trip up to the cost of the number of children entitled to Pupil Premium. For example if a trip cost £10 per head and three children in that class were PP, school would subsidise to £30, regardless of whether it was the parents of PP children unwilling to pay or others. It was also agreed that parents could make a contribution towards a trip, or pay over a period of time, if that was more convenient. Under new government guidelines, individual reminders are not sent to parents.  However, parents are invited to check with the office if they are unsure whether they have paid or not.
  2. For residential visits parents will be charged the full cost of board and lodging, and for any other allowable costs, voluntary contributions will be invited (as above). No charge for board and lodgings will be made for children whose parents are receiving Income Support or Family Credit. (See additional note.)
  3. Musical Instrument Hire is charged when parents hire instruments from the County Music Department. The charge is waived for children whose parents are in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit. Tuition fees are also charged on a termly basis. Parents who are in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit can apply for a bursary. Reminders for these payments can be sent. Calculations for tuition are worked out on the number of children taking tuition for a whole academic year. Refunds are not given and tuition payments for the full year must be paid even if a child drops out. Instruments can be returned at any time.
  4. A charge is made for classroom materials and other items/visitors that benefit the children, e.g. clay, cookery items, by way of a voluntary contribution of £5 for each child each year. A request is sent on a Newsletter.

Before any educational day or long stay visits a letter will be sent home with details of cost and a summary of the charging policy. A return slip gives permission and payment details. A full copy of the Policy is available on request.